Archive for 2016

Christmas Tree Festival

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The Penarth Christmas Tree Festival took place on 10th and 11th December in St Augustine’s Church. The Festival was opened by the Penarth Town Mayor, Cllr Mike Cuddy on Saturday 10th December.  Around […]

150th Anniversary of the Dedication of the new St Augustine’s Church

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On 11th September 1866 the newly built Butterfield church that replaced the little mediaeval church was dedicated in a very well attended service. On Sunday, 11th September 2016 at 10.30am […]

Frank Roper tour

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On Wednesday, 10th August 2016 about 30 people met at the Parish Hall in Albert Road to see our first of example of Frank Roper’s work – a crucifix on the wall […]

Bat & Moth Night

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On 29th July, the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales ran another of the popular Bat and Moth Nights.  About 30 people met at the church at 9.30pm and, ably assisted […]

Dedication of the History of the Roll of Honour

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Several members of the Friends of St Augustine’s joined the congregation at the 10.45am Eucharist service on 17th July.  The occasion was the dedication of the History of the Roll […]

Mametz Wood

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Dr Jonathan Hicks, an award-winning military historian and novelist and head teacher of a local school, gave a fascinating talk to a packed audience at the Parish Hall on 16th […]

Grow, Show, Share

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Following the success of our first Grow, Show, Share last year, we held the event again on the weekend of 9th and 10th July. As last year there were some very interesting […]

Flower Festival

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The 11th and 12th June saw a Flower Festival at St Augustine’s.  It was organised by the church to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday and the 150th anniversary of the dedication of St Augustine’s […]

Nature Walk

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On 8th June, during Celebrating Churchyards Week, the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales led a Nature Walk round the churchyard.  A number of people walked round the churchyard looking at the plants, […]

Alan Thorne

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On Saturday, 9th April at 2.30pm in the Parish Hall a large, receptive audience heard a talk on “The Building of St Augustine’s” by the well-known local historian Alan Thorne. […]