Dawn Chorus

Posted in the News Category


John Wilson from the Glamorgan Bird Club led a Dawn Chorus walk starting at The  Kymin House at 7am on Saturday, 20th April 2024.

About 25 people met at The Kymin to walk slowly to St Augustine’s church looking and listening out for the birds along the way.

The birds were very obliging on this beautiful morning when in all some twenty species were identified by sight or sound.

At St Augustine’s, John gave a short summary of the walk and hot drinks and bara brith were prepared by Marion Rowlands.  Thanks to John and Marion for their support and to Dave and Margaret Knight for arranging this walk.


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Bydd eich ateb yn cael ei cymedroli, ac ni fydd yn ymaddangos yn syth. Medrwch paratoi eich tecst yn y rhaglen word cyn ei rhoi yn y bocs, ond ni fydd elfennau megis trwmder tecst a lliw yn ymddangos.