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Following The Friends AGM on Thursday 12th May in the Parish Hall, Albert Road, Penarth, Alan Rosney  from the Glamorgan Bird Club gave a very interesting talk on Swifts.

32 people attended the talk during which Alan covered how swifts fly non-stop, sleeping, eating and even mating on the wing. Swift numbers have declined by about 50% over the last 20 years and they are now regarded as being in danger of extinction.

The main problem is loss of breeding sites as they return to the same place each year to raise chicks.  If a site is lost it can take some time for them to find another one.  Swifts nest in older buildings with overhanging eaves and many of these buildings are being demolished.  New buildings don’t have these cavities but it is possible for swift boxes or bricks to be installed in new buildings without affecting the integrity of the building.  Swift towers can also be erected.

More information can be obtained from the Glamorgan Bird Club or the RSPB Swift Mapper App.


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