Sidney J. Fish

Sidney (or Sydney) James Fish was born on 16th June 1908, the son of Alfred W. and Amanda Eliza Fish, of Grange Town, Cardiff.  In 1939, Alfred, Amanda and Roy W Fish lived at 50 Plymouth Road.  Also living there was the Rev. Grosvenor H Stephens, Rector of Penarth with Lavernock from 1947-1964.

Sidney served in the Merchant Navy as Third Engineer Officer on M.V. Surat (London).  According to his Merchant Navy record he was 5’7” tall with grey eyes, dark brown hair and a dark complexion (from Merchant Navy CR1 card 1932 . Discharge no. 105861).

Sidney died on 6th May 1941 aged 32 and is commemorated on the Tower Hill Memorial, Panel 104.